Which Of The Following Is Not A Creative Thinking Exercise Entrepreneurs Use To Generate Ideas?

Generating ideas

Read the following article for further details and information.

Question: Which of the following is not a creative thinking exercise entrepreneurs use to generate ideas?

A. Challenge the Usual ☐

B. Judge Each Idea as Realistic or Not

C. Draw Idea Maps ☐

D. Think Backward ☐

Answer: B. Judge Each Idea as Realistic or Not

Entrepreneurs often use creative thinking exercises to bring new and innovative ideas to their business. In recent times they have become conscious about breaking the same conventional patterns and replacing them with new and innovative ideas.

When any type of obstacle or problem is faced, we keep on repeating the way we used to do previously which can limit our creativity. Well, the concept of creative thinking exercise is to help people think more precisely with innovative and new ideas.

Creative thinking includes various factors. I have mentioned all the factors that determine the new and innovative ideas in the following article. Read the article til the end for more details and information about the above topic, That is, which of the following is not a creative thinking exercise entrepreneurs use to generate ideas?

Non-Creative Thinking Exercise Entrepreneurs Use To Generate Ideas

A question that keeps on raising simultaneously is which of the following is not a creative thinking exercise entrepreneurs use to generate? 

Let’s read the following article for details and information,

Challenge The Usual

Challenges are usually very important to grow a company or business. From an entrepreneur’s perspective, the opportunities, improvements, and the idea of differentiating the businesses can be obtained only by challenging the usuals. 

Doing this will empower the strength of facing the challenges. This will also empower the stability to make decisions. It will help in identifying the areas where the new strategies and ideas will work. 

The tendency to question the usuals helps to sharpen the capacity to overcome the challenges through existing norms, schedules along assumptions. This will take the business in a new direction.

An entrepreneurial environment must be created in a good environment so that good ideas can flourish in the mind. As I already said, there will be some ideas that will initially seem unreal, but later flourish through newer ideas.

Challenging the usual also involves questioning about the pre-existing practices as well. They have a very common and usual set of questions such as “Why do we do it this way?” and “What could we have done better this”

Judge Each Idea As Realistic Or Not

Well, the question that is being asked several times is which of the following is not a creative thinking exercise entrepreneurs use to generate ideas? The answer is to judge each idea as realistic or not. It is so because the main aim behind this creative thinking is to emulate the power of creative thinking. 

In the initial stage of idea generation, it is very important to suspend a judgment and allow it to think freely. This process involves various types of risk, facing uncertainty, and thinking about something in a different way. 

But it also involves exploring new ideas, achieving new heights, trying out new possibilities, and thinking of something different. There are various successful innovations that seemed unreal when they first came into action. Later these ideas were pursued by entrepreneurs.

Draw Idea Map

Before taking a step ahead, creating a rough map in our minds is very important. The process of creating an idea map helps entrepreneurs to think about new ideas. These idea maps involve creating drawings that interconnect with each other. 

It also connects with different associations which indulge with any specific concept or topic. By noticing a specific relationship among different elements along with their diverse ideas. 

Therefore this exercise brings up new ideas along with solutions. This is one of the processes of organizing their views, thinking, and ideas. Sometimes it also helps in exploring new ideas and solutions. 

Well, the question that arises every time is which of the following is not a creative thinking exercise entrepreneurs use to generate ideas?  Based on the above question the answer is that drawing an idea map is creating innovative ideas and thinking.

Think Backward

With the title itself, the meaning is coming out properly. Thinking backward means having reverse thinking or you imagine achieving something you deserve. Then return to plan about what needs to be done to achieve that. 

In this following work, the person navigates its requirements and future state that is beyond the current circumstances and consequences. First, the end goal of an entrepreneur is prioritized as they can find other ways to achieve their goals and objectives. 

The entrepreneur gets encouraged to think something different from others due to this exercise. It also considers unconventional ways of solutions along with the process. 

Basically thinking backward is a process that allows entrepreneurs to think differently. When visualizing the final goals, they can surely challenge the obstacle so that it keeps boosting up the spirit.


Entrepreneurs accessed the work based on various factors which include demsab=nd technical, and feasibility, required restrictions as well. The judgment must not be made depending upon the initial action and realism. Soulful judging ideas can move forward to “safe” and will definitely help in increasing the thinking mindset.

In the above article, I have mentioned all the possible information for which of the following is not a creative thinking exercise entrepreneurs use to generate ideas? Thank you for reading the article till the end. I hope you found the article informative.

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